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A woman is considering her future career or project. Stepping onto the career ladder or returning to work after a break can be daunting.

Your time, your voice, your challenge, your solution 

You may have a specific goal or challenge or you may not know exactly what you want from coaching and the sessions will be designed to partner you and meet your own particular needs and challenges.


By creating an environment of trust and unconditional positive regard, and providing you are honest, courageous and disciplined, you will be challenged in such a way that you will be able to explore new ways of thinking, believing and behaving and become the best version of yourself in your own system and/or organisation.



We work together to overcome your challenges at 4C Executive Coaching

Want to know more? 

Get in touch for a 60-minute, complimentary consultation.

Get in touch if you're:


  • Planning a change of career and want to discover your best career options and formulate an action plan to get there

  • An expat/trailing spouse and need to find some direction or project

  • Planning to retire and want to work through the associated challenges and  find a new project 

  • A young individual or graduate needing direction in your future career path

  • Returning to work after a long break following maternity, paternity, illness or burnout

Define your goals

Together we'll identify the changes you wish to make and set achievable goals with a timeline.

Change your beliefs

Using various cognitive behavioural techniques I partner with you and challenge you on any limiting beliefs and help you to adopt more positive ways to think, resulting in better performance. 


If you are working towards a new role or career, retirement or returning to work after a long break I will partner you to overcome the associated challenges and formulate a plan of action to achieve your goal. 

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